I hope that everyone enjoyed "Talk Like a Time Traveler Day". I am now going back to a Donald Duck project that interests me.
A great 11 page script was written by Jeff Hamill about Donald and nephews in Hawaii. Jeff met with me and explained how a Donald Duck comic is created and provided me with some good resources if I wanted to play Disney artist. Jeff is a very good writer and deserves to have his stories published, and buckets of money dropped his way by movies, tv, and European distributors for his great stuff.
I hit a perfectionist-block almost immediately, so today's post is a sample of some of what I consider hideous (some say it looks fine... I don't), and I will post soon some of my efforts to finish some pages worth showing.
The current strategy: draw may variations - overcome bad starts with many retries. It seems to me to be a legitimate way to attack a block. We shall test this today.