I went to Pax on Sunday - I would have liked to seen the discussion on Sex and Violence for an update on over-served immature adults. Did anyone who visits this blog go to the Raven Theatre? Did I miss much? Pax is amazing btw, much better than I expected.
I discovered while there that the talk like a pirate crew might very much like the Pirates of the Burning Sea game. I played it for a few minutes at the convention and my first impression is that it is like the great game that Akella created (Sea Dogs) with the fun factor bumped upward and a cool cel-shader turned on.
One thing that I can say: they had 3 working tee-shirt cannons firing into the crowd. Good marketing, and the booth pirates were very helpful.
The Pirate fun for computers that I have really really liked so far:
Curse of Monkey Island
Sea Dogs 2 (Released as Pirates of the Caribbean)
Maybe the Burning Sea will be another. I am very picky, but I will give it a try. It may be rated Arrrr, but aye don't think so.
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