I was shocked at the level of dislike the fan base poured out on their movies this year. Listing from most deserving of dislike to Least deserving: "Watchmen" (there where whole blogs devoted to hating some of the scenes), "Wolverine", and last, "Dragonball Evolution". Sure, they were all bad. But, the only reason that "Dragonball" failed is that it replaced the fan-loved story with another not-as-good story. "Wolverine" was just slightly worse. Apparently super-strong adamantium is no match for super-weak-scriptium.
When a hero movie is made, there is a large group who want to see the hero. But, the movie has immature-adult-elements which remove the larger chunk of the built in audience from participating. For the remaining small group, the story is re-written in a way to directly annoy the fans. Many drop away. Finally, for the remaining small group, the story is re-worked so that it is odd enough and long enough and scattered enough to be practically unwatchable. The movie fails in many ways.
Oddly this does not matter to "Wolverine" which people rate, "pretty good" and pour millions of ticket sales into.
On the good side, "Star Trek" is up this Friday. Also on the good side: the
Atomic Robo free comic was
Tesla humor at it's best.