Good Bye Summer, Hello Talk Like a Pirate Day
The Talk Like a Pirate Web Site's Crew has a great link page.
My Pirate Name is “Cap’n Blood Bath and Beyond”
You should have one too. Pirate Name Generator
Once you have the name you should learn the lingo savvy?
You should also visit the site of a great Pirate cartoon out of Everett from the Gregory bros.
And these Great Pirate Toon Links. At least check out the Calvin and Hobbes one.
I think that I have enough pirates in my sketchbook since last year to post 19 pirates in the next 19 days. Lets see if I can meet the deadline.
Side note: Donald Duck work in process – not forgotten
Question: which is cooler – ninja or pirate?
Question: Agree, Disagree-
Best Pirate films:
Best Disney – “Treasure Island”
Best Black and White: “Black Pirate”
Best Movie Pirate ever: “Cap’n Flint”
Best Pirate Comedy: “Princess and the Pirate”
Best Errol: “Captain Blood”
Best Elf reinvented as a Pirate: “Legolas”
Best funny Pirate Game: Curse of Monkey Island
Best Swash Buckling Game from Russia: Pirates of the Caribbean
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